Data Privacy Notice

The DBP Service Corporation (DBPSC) is committed to protect the privacy of all our clients, applicants & employees, third party service providers and all our website users pursuant to the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. 10173)

1. The Data Privacy and Security Manual of DBP Service Corporation specifies policies relating to the safety and security procedures of the use of all kinds of personal data from data subjects.

2. It prescribes the company’s data protection and security processes both in data handling, handling data breach, handling complaints and physical security guidelines. This has been adopted in compliance with Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA), its implementing rules and regulations, and other relevant policies as issued by the National Privacy Commission (NPC).

3. The company respects and values all individuals’ privacy rights and makes certain that all data collected are processed and treated in accordance with the general principles as enunciated under the DPA which are transparency, legitimate purpose and proportionality.

4. It shall be the working basis for all employees of the company with a specific role in data processing, usage, storage, retention and disposal.

5. It shall likewise apply to all external personnel and service providers who deliver services to the company under an existing agreement duly executed with the company.

B. Policies

Collection of Data.

The company collects personal information (PI) and/or sensitive personal information (SPI), as the case may be – from the clients, applicants & employees and third party service providers;

  • Name; Company name
  • Residence Address; Business address;
  • Date and Place of birth;
  • Contact Numbers and Email Address;
  • SSS, PhilHealth, HDMF number and Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Nationality;
  • Religious affiliation;
  • Employment History;
  • Medical Records/History;
  • Educational Background;
  • Other required information like Government and/or Licensure Examinations taken and Training Courses/Seminars attended.
  • Government Registration details;
  • Company corporate details;

Use of Data.

The company uses the data from the clients, applicants & employees and third party service providers for the following purposes only, viz:

  • Employment,
  • Payroll,
  • Billing,
  • Employee Benefits,
  • Procurement, general and administrative services
  • Taxation and
  • Accounting purposes;

Disclosure and Sharing. Recording and Documentation.

All disclosures and sharing of sensitive/personal information are done in accordance with the agreements of the company with the Clients, Applicant/Employees and Third Party (Service) Providers as the case may be, as duly provided under the respective agreements duly executed with the company. All sensitive/personal information are duly recorded and documented by the company’s data processor in accordance with the agreements as executed between the parties concerned. The particulars are provided below as to the purpose and specificity of the information being documented, viz:

Data from clients, applicants & employees and Third Party Service Providers are shared only to relevant government agencies such as the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), the Bureau of Internal Revenue for purposes of information verification, accounting and taxation purposes and general compliance to government regulations.

Recording and documentation of Client information are done through the Enterprise Information System (EIS) using data servers.

Data Breach Policy.

If there is any suspicion as regards any data breach, the reporter/witness to the data breach shall fill the following details and send it to the email address of the Data Protection Officer at within 24 hours after witnessing such breach, viz:

i. What Personal / Sensitive data was compromised?

ii. When was the breach noticed?

iii. Identity of the person who committed the breach or the identity of the possible suspect.

iv. Other relevant information and details regarding the incident

Data Subject Security Policy


1. This Terms of Use Agreement (“Agreement”) constitutes a binding agreement between you (“User”) and (the “Company Website”). By accessing our website or using DBPSC employee portal, the user agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions and agrees to use the company website at his/her own risk. 

2. The company may update this Terms of Use Agreement every so often depending on legal or regulatory reasons or to allow proper operation of the company website. If the user does not agree on our terms and conditions, he/she should not continue accessing the website. The company hereby grants users a limited, terminable, not exclusive rights to access and use the website for general inquiries and information as regards employment opportunities within the company.

3. Our website prohibits its use for the following purposes, viz:

3.1 Libel, harassment, threatening, obscene and any objectionable acts or materials or any violation of laws;

3.2 Copying or duplicating the content of the website;

3.3 Intentional interference of use of other people on the website;

3.4 Storing copies of materials that are protected by copyright without the permission of the owner; and

3.5 Transmitting material that encourages conduct that constitutes criminal offense or otherwise violates any laws, rules/regulations or any code of practice.

4. The company website may only be used by and/for the following purposes, viz:

4.1 Any legitimate entity seeking the company’s services;

4.2 Any individual looking or searching for employment opportunities;

4.3 Any general friendly inquiry or seeking for general information. 

5. By accessing our website, all users agree not to engage in/do the following, viz:

5.1 Violate and/or attempt to violate the website security of;

5.2 Reverse engineer any portions of the website;

5.3 Assume other person’s identity and entering such name/details into the website without being authorized to do so;

5.4 Harass any company or any individual using the website;

5.5 Post any information or documents which are falsified or not genuine;

5.6 Disrupt and/or attempt to disrupt any functions of the website;

5.7 Alter any material of the website;

5.8 Make any unauthorized mail or email, unauthorized phone call in order to solicit information to other people or entity on the company’s behalf;

5.9 Disseminate unlawful and/or defamatory acts such as but not limited to: racism, harassment, abusive, hateful, discriminatory, annoying, offensive, vulgar, pornographic materials which could vex, annoy or offend any entity or individual as determined by;

5.10 Post or upload any false documents such as resumes or profiles;

5.11 Flooding, spamming and/or harassing any of the company’s staff or employees. 

6. General Terms. Complaints and Reports.

6.1 is owned and operated by DBP Service Corporation (DBPSC).

6.2 For all inquiries, complaints, reports, request, questions or suggestions all user must send an email to;

6.3 All notices shall only be made to the above provided contact detail, any information relayed to the company through any means shall not be binding and shall not be considered as official communication to the company;

6.4 All users are assured that all inquiries, complaints, reports, questions or suggestions sent to the company through shall be answered or replied to within forty-eight (48) hours from receipt; 

7. Intellectual Property

7.1 The DBPSC Website, DBPSC Contents, and all rights, titles and interests in and to DBPSC Website and DBPSC Content are the exclusive property of DBPSC or its licensors;

7.2 DBPSC Website and DBPSC Content are protected by intellectual property rights;

7.3 User may retrieve and display contents of the DBPSC Website on a computer screen, store such content in electronic form on disk, (but not on any server or other storage device connected to a network), or print one copy of such content for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all and any copyright and proprietary notices. Users may not otherwise reproduce, modify, copy or distribute or use for commercial purposes any of the materials of DBPSC Content on the Website without written permission from the company.

8. Availability of the website

8.1 Although the company aims to offer all users the best experience possible in accessing its website, the company does not guarantee that all services under the website can meet all requirements of the user;

8.2 The company does not guarantee that the website will be fault-free, error-free, or that the website and servers are free of viruses or other harmful mechanisms. If a fault occurs within the website, user should report the issue to and the company will attempt to correct the fault as soon as it can;

8.3 User’s access to the website may occasionally be restricted to allow time for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new content, facilities, or services. The company will attempt to restore access and/or service as soon as possible. 

9. Disclaimer

9.1 The company shall not be liable for any loss of information howsoever caused as a result of any interruption, suspension, or termination of DBPSC Content, accuracy or quality of information available or transmitted through the DBPSC website;

9.2 The user acknowledges and agrees that it is not the company’s policy to exercise editorial control over and to edit or amend any data or contents of any emails or posting or any information that may be inserted or made available or transmitted to or from a third-party in or through the company website.

10. Indemnity

10.1 User agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the company and its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees arising from –

i. Any user content or other material which user has provided to the company’s website;

ii. User’s use of any company website’s content;

iii. User’s breach of these Terms of Use Agreement;

11. Miscellaneous

11.1 User may not transfer any of his/her rights under these Terms to any other person.

11.2 The company may transfer its rights under these Terms to another entity and users may rest assure that all existing rights of user are maintained and respected;

11.3 The inaction of the company to exercise its rights within a reasonable time as regards any violation committed by the user under any of the provisions under these Terms of Use Agreement shall not deprive the company of its entitlement to avail of its rights and legal remedies at a later date, or in such other incident where appropriate;

11.4 The company shall not be responsible for any breach of these Terms of Use Agreement caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control;

11.5 If any of the provisions under this Terms of Use Agreement shall be found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision shall not affect the other provisions of these Terms of Use Agreement. All provisions not affected by such invalidity or unenforceability shall remain in full force and effect.

12. User’s Rights

12.1 Right to be informed;

12.2 Right to object;

12.3 Right to access;

12.4 Right to correct;

12.5 Right for erasure or blocking;

12.6 Right to file complaint;

12.7 Right to damages;

12.8 Right to data portability.

13. Purposes of the data being stored.

13.1 Each user accessing this website leaves information trail captured by the company and is being stored by the company. Such information is being used by the company only for the following purposes, viz: 

i. Provide support documentation and history that is used to authenticate security and operational actions, or mitigate challenges;

ii. Constructed to address numerous activities that make up an event or series of events that can be investigated to find areas of concern; 

14. Rules / Procedures in lodging a complaint.

14.1 User may exercise their rights itemized under item 12 above. The following provides for the general guidelines in filing a complaint.

i. Lodging thru email or SMS;

ii. Use the Enterprise Information System (EIS) Ticketing system;

15. Privacy Notice/Statement.

15.1 The company adheres to R.A. No. 10173 (The Data Privacy Act [DPA]), its Implementing Rules and Regulations including all issuances from the National Privacy Commission (NPC) – in this connection the following are the company’s mandate as regards information it gathers, how the organization collects, uses, retains and discloses personal information coming from all users, viz:

i. used fairly, lawfully and transparently;

ii. used for specified, explicit purposes;

iii. used in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary;

iv. accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date;

v. kept for no longer than is necessary;

vi.handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage;

16. This Manual shall be effective as of March 11, 2022 and shall continue to be effective until revoked or amended by the company through a duly issued board resolution – such amendments and/or changes shall be reflected under this Terms as soon as amended.

For complete reference on the Data Privacy Act, please visit the National Privacy Commission website at